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How to make the "bow of Artemis", the protective "spell" invoked by Fury's sister in Big Brother


Highlights: The "bow of Artemis" is a protective "spell" invoked by Fury's sister in Big Brother. The gesture replicates the launching of an arrow using an imaginary bow. The deity to which the gesture refers is Artemis, the Greek goddess of hunting and wild nature. Tarot reader, witch and author Violeta Parisi explains how this protective spell is performed and what we should take into account before doing it. "If you have good energy that will return to you, that bad energy will not," Parisi says.

The protective gesture that they suggest neutralizes bad energies and does not need any amulet.

The new edition of the

reality show

Big Brother

caught the attention of many last Thursday when Coy, the sister of the participant “Furia”, whose real name is Juliana Scaglione, performed an “Artemis arc”, do you know what it is about?

For those who work in the world of esotericism, the

“bow of Artemis”

consists of a simple movement that is performed to protect oneself (or others) by “bouncing negative energy back to its owner.”

The gesture gained greater popularity when it was part of the reaction of the Catalan singer


at a recital in San Diego, United States.

While the Motomami


was finishing her presentation, a fan of hers threw a stuffed animal at her that hit her in the face and she responded with her gesture.

The tarot reader, witch and author

Violeta Parisi

in dialogue with


explained how this protective spell is performed and what we should take into account before doing it.

The gesture replicates the launching of an arrow using an imaginary bow.


What meaning does this symbol from Greek mythology have?

How to make the “bow of Artemis” and what is the origin of the myth

The deity to which the gesture refers is


, the Greek goddess of hunting and wild nature, whom the Romans called Diana.

She was the

twin sister of the Sun god

, Apollo, children of Zeus and the titanic Leto.

The Greek poet Callimachus dedicated his

Hymn III

to the goddess and wrote a song in which he tells how Artemis obtains the bow and arrow from her.

According to the ancient hymn, in her childhood, little Artemis sat on her father's lap and asked him as gifts for eternal virginity, a silver bow created by the Cyclops, and a retinue of oceanines and nymphs.

Callimachus prays that the hunting deity recites his other mission: “I will live in the mountains and will only make contact with the cities of men when women tormented by the intense pains of childbirth call me to help.”

The image of the goddess Artemis (Diana for the Romans) is always characterized by the bow and arrow.

Photo: Shutterstock illustration

Hence, it was thought that Artemis especially protected young, strong women and that her representation in painting and sculpture always included her carrying the bow and arrow.

In the pantheon of ancient goddesses she is one of the most important along with Selene, the lunar deity, Aphrodite or Athena.

“Artemis was a goddess who spent time in nature, in the forest, with animals.

She carried a bow and arrow;


she was not particularly one to hurt

, precisely, what she did with the energy of that bow and arrow was like

a talisman


helped her concentrate those thoughts

and intentions to achieve her goals.

She is a goddess who is connected with protection,” explains Parisi.

Coy had already explained in the program

Se Picó

what was the reason why he made the

Arc of Artemis.

“It is for protection and to return the energies that are not so good,” she said.

Coy, sister of "Big Brother" contestant Juliana Scaglione, "Fury," doing the "Artemis Bow" in the house.

TV capture

The gesture had a lot of impact on social networks and many wondered

how the "bow of Artemis" was made

. It is not surprising, since one of the advantages it has is that it does not require other amulets or crystals to be made.

Some users indicated that it can only be done in front of the person to whom you want to "return the energy," but Parisi clarified that this is a more personal decision for the person who does it.

For her, visualization



while performing the movement and "throwing the arrow"

are much more important .

Now, for the person who does it,

can it be harmful on an energetic level?

According to the tarot reader and "glamour witch" it doesn't have to be.

"There is no need to get suggestive with that because it is not harmful. It is an act of saying: 'This energy that you send to me does not affect me and I return it to you.' So, if you have good energy it will return that good energy to you." "If you have bad energy, that bad energy will return to you."

This was not the only gesture that Fury's sister made when visiting the

Big Brother

house to lighten the atmosphere and offer protection to the contestant.

Coy also indicated in that interview that she turned on the faucet and washed her hands.

Many maintain that “letting the water run” is another way to energetically clean environments.

Scaglione also asked permission, went to the girls' room and kissed his sister's deer mat;

another connection that also refers to the Greek goddess.

That night the two sisters said goodbye, but for the audience the gesture was incorporated as another possible practice to protect themselves from bad vibes.

Source: clarin

All news articles on 2024-02-27

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